Closings and Delays

Emergency and Inclement Weather School Closings, Delays, and Early Dismissals

Closings, delayed openings, and early dismissals are announced as follows:

  • A voice, text, and email message is sent to all registered email addresses and phone numbers of parents/guardians and MPS employees for weather related closings, delayed openings, and early dismissals.

  • A notice is placed on the district home page of our website:

  • A notice is placed on the District’s social media accounts: Facebook (@mpsct), Instagram (@mps_ct_), and X (formerly Twitter) (@middletownps)

  • A notice is provided to the following television stations: Channels 3, 8, 61, & 30.

School closings and delays are generally announced by 6:00 AM.
Early dismissals are decided as soon as possible.

A standard school delay time in the morning of 2 hours will occur for inclement weather. Below are the late arrival and early dismissal times:

Late Arrival (2 Hour Delay) due to Weather Related Events

Middletown High School: Begin at 9:25 AM and dismiss at 2:20 PM

Beman Middle School: Begin at 10:05 AM and dismiss at 3:00PM

All Elementary Schools: Begin at 10:50 AM and dismiss at 3:45 PM

PreK Full Day at Bielefield, Snow, & Spencer: Begin at 11:00AM and dismiss at 3:45 PM

PreK Half Day AM at Snow: Canceled

PreK Half Day PM at Snow: Normal arrival at 1:15 PM and dismiss at 4:00 PM

Early Release due to Weather Related Events

Middletown High School: Early release at 11:00 AM

Beman Middle School: Early release at 12:00 PM

All Elementary Schools: Early release at 1:00 PM

PreK Full Day at Bielefield, Snow, & Spencer: Early release/dismissal at 1:15 PM

PreK Half Day AM at Snow: Early release/dismissal at 10:15 AM

PreK Half Day PM at Snow: Canceled 

Stay Connected

Please make sure that the contact information for your child(ren)’s home and emergency contacts is up-to-date in PowerSchool. This is the information that we use to contact families in the event of an emergency, a change in schedule due to weather, transportation delays, etc. You are able to make changes to this information as needed throughout the school year.

Updates can be done here:

If there is ever a time that you do not receive a phone call or text message, but you think there is a chance of a delay/closure, please check our website and/or official district social media accounts.

Sign up for NBC Winter Weather Closing Alerts

A good fail-safe method of ensuring that you will receive closing and/or delay messages is to sign up for NBC Winter Weather Alerts. We always post our weather-related closings, delays, and/or early dismissals on NBC first.

If you sign up for their Winter Weather Closing Alerts, you will get a simple text message alerting you of the closure or delay. You can sign up here: