Norma Delara, Principal
Nathalie Beland, School Secretary
Not sure who you should contact with a particular issue? Try using our guide here: https://www.middletownschools.org/page/communicating-and-connecting#WhoDoIContact
Jennifer Calabrese, Principal
Brooke Carta, School Secretary
Suzanne Shippee Lopez, Principal
Kim Karpel, School Secretary
Ray Byron, Principal
Kate Thomas, Assistant Principal
Dave Mierzejewski, Assistant Principal
Diane Niles, Assistant Principal
Lisa Puorro, Administrative Assistant to the Principal
Alison Sprague, Administrative Assistant
860-704-4520 (School Counseling Office)
Dr. Dawn Brooks, Principal
Ryan Mertel, Assistant Principal
Andrea Pringle, Assistant Principal
Jason Serra, Assistant Principal
Dr. Bobbi-Jo Wathen, Director of School Counseling
Jean Newman, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Alberto Vázquez Matos, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Stacey McCann, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
Jen Cannata, Assistant Superintendent of Administration
Joyce Carey, Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools
Yvonne Kitchel, Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning